Learn To Teach

With the vast amount of knowledge that our universe has to offer, its is very easy to get consumed in our quest for knowledge. We acquire so much knowledge a day on various topics that spark our interest and become so stingy with our learning that we forget to TEACH. Not knowing that the very simple act of sharing the things we’ve learned with those who have open ears and open hearts helps us, not only to spread the knowledge we have obtained, but to also give us a better understanding of what we have previously learned.

When I make a blog post about something I have learned, I hope to teach my reader so that , maybe , they can be a inspiration to someone else . Share unconditionally !


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  1. I am learning how to pingback and wanted to know if you allow pingbacks to your site. http://www.wysjoyfulcompany.wordpress.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. organicdime says:

      Hey , feel free to ping back anything from my site !


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